Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dog Days.....Cat Nights.....

Why does summer have to be so hot? Why 90 degrees? 75 is good enough for short sleeves. If this heat doesn't break soon, I think my brain will burn out. This headache won't go away. It's not a pretty thing to gobble Motrin like M&M's.

The Girl has a new name - Pimplenelle Carbuncle. Nothing holds her interest; nothing catches her fancy. Not even her Nintendo. No, she wants new games. Not her iPod. Quelle horreur! Hers doesn't have a screen like mine. How would she know what's playing? Two weeks to school and I'm counting the minutes.

H started a new job at an old place. Fits in just like before. Hope the $$ is as the union states; it'll make the long hours worthwhile.

Now off to languish in the humidity that is summer.

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